
More great resources, from Peter

  Black History Month 2021  Prepared for the Dignity/Washington   Community P ublished February 18, 2021 Introduction:   We are already in the middle of February and  Black History Month . Much has happened in 2020 in which we witnessed in real time social and political injustices that permeates our country. As a follow-up to the three-part essay I wrote last year, you will find an introduction and links to articles and videos available to explore why the  Black Lives Matter movement is critical to the change so desperately needed in America. Article: Each February, Black History Month (also known as African American History Month) is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their contributions to the foundation of America often downplayed in U.S. history. Last February, I wrote a three-part essay describing my experience with the title,  “Living in a Paradox.”   Since then, almost weekly events occurre...

Half Dozen Sources from our February Gathering

  The Green Book President Barack Obama's Memoir Review of James Baldwin's Begin Again The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song.  Henry Louis Gates, Jr on PBS. Being released this week. The Truth in Black and White.  The Kansas City Star Apologizes Bartunda Thurston' Ted Talks

Remove the “bad apple,” or Restorative Justice?

 This article is about one approach taken by a school to heal a racial offense, known as Restorative Justice. Dave B and I both like it. What do YOU think about it?

What Organizing Looks Like

 I’ve had very White ideas of what it looks like to “successfully” organize for social change. This ideas still infiltrate my thinking. Please read this amazing article about an amazing group right here in my amazing town of Minneapolis. And check out the author’s podcast.

Meacham on Reconstruction

 Right now I’m reading Meacham’s larger examination of “our better angels,” and the truths and untruths surrounding that idea, but....please try this more brief article from the NYTs. I’m finding I need to hear this historical correction over and over, and from many different mouths, to really have it sink in.

Words From John Lewis

If you haven’t read this yet, please take a few minutes to hear Congressman/Activist/Earth Shaker John Lewis’ final written words.

Why Capitalize White?

Here is a link to a brief essay on the relatively more recent efforts on this matter.