Hello, men. Hello, Gay men. Hello, naked Gay men! This post is for men of all colors, but specifically an invitation to men like myself, namely, White Gay men who want to work to eliminate racism. ELIMINATE racism? Pretty tall order, right? It definitely is but every bit of thought and care that you put into that effort makes a difference. It may be uncomfortable to consider gathering together as White men and I understand that. But that discomfort is part of the very reason I am doing this, namely, to examine our role in a system that is built on the oppression of BIPOC (Black, Indiginous, and People of Color.) And I want you to join me for a weekly Zoom gathering where we as GNIers look at racism in our lives, at the systemic nature of racism surrounding and hurting all of us, and create ways to think better about all people (yes, that includes thinking better about ourselves as White men.) We will meet for four consecutive Saturdays for one hour (longer if the tur...
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